Our Custom Construction Company Expertise for Your Custom Construction Project!

New Custom 3D Exterior Design Service
Initial Down Payment
Service Description
Includes but not limited to any Design Style, Sector, Type: Initial Consultation: o Site Visit o Site Measure o Exterior Design Questionnaire: o Exact Exterior Design Goals Expectations Customer has (Style, Color Palette, Metal Color, Furniture Color, Furniture Type, Layout, Concept, Total Area Sq. Ft., Material Selection, Floor Plan, Product Display Floor Plan) o Professional Advice and Guidance o Discuss New Scope of Work List o Discuss Deadline o Set Customer Company Values and Design o Trips to Site o Customer can do 3 FREE Minimal Design Changes (Can be in Form of Meeting, Phone Call or Email) o Space Analysis Planning o Floor Plans o Dimension Floor Plans o Elevations o Dimension Elevations o Architecture Landscape o Sections o Dimension Sections o Electrical Connections o Plumbing Connections o Mechanical Connections o Perspectives o Furniture Layout Plan o Electrical Layout Plan o Plumbing Layout Plan o Lighting Layout Plan o Custom 3D Design Products o Schematic Design o Digital Power Point Presentation Document o Specifications o 3D Design o 2D Design o Isometrics o Interior Detailing o Lighting Design o Diagrams o Equipment Design - Equipment Model #s o Hardware Design o Molding, Trims, Framings Design o 3 provided Interior Design Project Options: How customer wants it to a T; How we professional suggest it to a T; Combination of how customer - we decide is best to a T. o Hyper Realistic 3D Color Perspective Renders o Interior Design Project Weekly Update Follow up Meetings – (Office Meetings; Zoom Meetings) o New Products Inventory Price List Source Document Service: o We will provide to customer several options for each new product. o Where possible and needed; New Products Inventory List Samples will be brought and shown to customer for test and comparison. o Budgeting Control Management o Interior Selection Procurement o Images Mood Board Digital Power Point Presentation PDF Document Meetings - Digital Zoom Meetings.